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Does Camera Guard Android support Android 14?

Currently, Camera Guard Android is not compatible with Android 14 due to new, stringent restrictions introduced by the latest Android operating system. These changes in Google's policies have made it challenging for applications like Camera Guard to operate as intended. While we are actively researching and developing alternative solutions to adapt to these changes, Camera Guard Android remains fully functional and supported on devices running Android versions up to 13.

Alternative Solution for Android 14 Users

For users on Android 14, we recommend our Antivirus AI app as a viable alternative. Antivirus AI offers robust security features, including comprehensive camera access monitoring, to ensure you continue to benefit from the high level of security and privacy protection that Camera Guard provides. This app not only monitors camera access but also offers advanced protection against malware, spyware, and other threats.

Our Commitment to Security and Privacy

We are committed to continually enhancing our products to meet evolving security standards and user needs. While we work on finding a solution for Camera Guard compatibility with Android 14, we appreciate your patience and understanding. Your security and privacy are our top priorities, and we are dedicated to providing the best possible protection across all Android versions.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our support team. We're here to help ensure you have the security and privacy you deserve.

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