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Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI is at the forefront of our self-defense technology. Our self-learning protection modules have constantly been evolving since 2016 and can initiate defensive measures within seconds of detecting a threat.

With each use, these AI systems learn more about potential threats and become even better at protecting all users globally. By utilizing our AI-powered protection, you can feel secure knowing that you are proactively safeguarding against various threats.

AI Threat Map

Real-time threat analyzes of users are
found through our artificial intelligence (AI)
Total malware found

Total malware found


Total APTs attacks

Total APTs attacks


Total detections worldwide

Total detections worldwide


Total users who checked their data breach

Total users who checked their data breach


Total user data breaches detected

Total user data breaches detected


Malware Categories

New Malware

Overview Malware Found

Found APT attacks

Top 20 found malware


Top countries of found threats

Total threats

Top cities of found threats

Total threats

Top Devices

Total threats

Top Android Version

Android Version
Total threats

Always One Step Ahead

Deep Detective™ is your intelligent shield that monitors every access to your device—like a firewall, only smarter. Whether it’s your camera or microphone, Deep Detective™ uses heuristic methods to detect even unknown intrusion attempts before they become active.

With more than 86 million attack signatures (as of November 2022), it helps to identify fraudulent elements like HiddenAds, Fake Apps, Adware, Joker, Exploits, BankBots, FinSpy, Ransomware, and more.

Real-Time Malware Vaccination

AI Life Rules form the core of our new malware vaccination system. While the AI constantly analyzes and classifies new threats, it creates its own real-time rules to instantly detect unknown malware.

If new spyware is discovered on a smartphone in Sydney (Australia), the AI Cloud sends the necessary information to all devices worldwide in just seconds. That way, we automatically “vaccinate” you against this threat—no manual updates needed on your part.

The Intelligent Cloud

Picture Deep Detective™ meeting advanced AI and combining it with innovative threat extraction techniques—the result is the high-performance AI Cloud that’s been proactively protecting our users since 2020.

In a matter of milliseconds, neural networks analyze app behavior, identify suspicious activities, and compare signatures to millions of known malware and spyware attributes. This ensures you enjoy the most effective protection—anytime and anywhere.